Wednesday, June 19, 2024


by     Raina Telgemeier

Week 4: Graphic Novels

"Guts" is the true story about the author, Raina Telgemeier.   "Guts" is based on her experiences growing up with anxiety and personal issues.  "Guts" is her fifth book in a series that includes other graphic novels such as  "Smile, Sisters, Drama, and Ghosts."  All have been best selling young adult graphic novels.   Her books are written more for girls, but many boys have enjoyed them also.  

In "Guts" the main character's name is Raina.   It starts with Raina and her mom getting a horrible stomach bug and missing some school.  When she returns she has to deal this friend drama and other issues that cause her stomach troubles to not go away.   Raina and her family realize that her tummy troubles are because of anxiety. Her family then is very supportive and gets her the help she needs.   Once she confides in her friends she realizes that she is not alone in her fears.  This book in today's society is very relatable and talks about issues that many girls are going though.  This book spoke to me on a personal level because my daughter struggled with anxiety.  Raina Telgemeier's graphic novels have really gotten girls interesting in reading for fun and not just as an assignment or chore for school. 

In the classroom I would use this for independent reading time.   I feel like this is such a personal book that I would not use it as a read aloud or group discussion.  I can see suggesting it as a good read for AR points or if they are needing to read something to reach a  goal.   

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