Monday, June 3, 2024

 To Kill A Mockingbird  

By Harper Lee

Week 2 Theme: Diversity

"To Kill a Mockingbird" is an American classic.  It teaches compassion, empathy, inclusion and diversity.  The book shows apart of American History that we are not proud of but that we need to learn.  It shows us how far we have come as a nation and yet how we still need to always strive to do better. 

The book follows the trail of a black man charged with the rape of a white woman in the 1930's in the deep south.  It is told through the eyes of Scout and Jim Finch, the children of Atticus Finch who is the lawyer defending Tim Robinson, the black man being accused.   It does deal with serious issues such as rape and racial inequality, but it also deals with mental issues with the character Boo Radley.  This book teaches everyone who reads it lessons that they need to learn.  Atticus Finch teaches his children throughout the book that "you never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view....until you climb inside his skin and walk around in it." 

I love this book and think that it should be taught in every school across America.  Sadly some do no feel the same and it has been on many lists of books to be banned.  It does deal with heavy issue of rape and does have some slang words that are not used anymore.  However, the history should be remembered.  Harper Lee based this book on the town she grew up in and the prejudices that she witnessed growing up.  This book will always be one of my favorite, I even named my youngest son Atticus.  If you ever get a chance to see the Broadway play version I would highly recommend it, it is fantastic. 

In the classroom, I would do this as a read aloud with discussions along the way. Students could also do a report on one of the many lessons that it taught.  Then I would have students take a comprehension test on the content.   Since I teacher elementary age students, I may never get the chance of teaching this in a classroom but may someday.  I do think that age level should be 16 and above due to the content.  I don't think that it should not be taught though.   

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